Published OnFebruary 26, 2025
Mixing Established Blues Songs With Your Originals.
Showcasing Your Music.Showcasing Your Music.

Mixing Established Blues Songs With Your Originals.

The Merits of adding a Legendary Blues Tune from a Previous Blues Recording By a famous Artist.

Chapter 1

Add A few Great Songs From Blues Artist You Enjoy.

Jerry Paul Blum

When you’re curating your playlist, there’s a special kind of magic that happens when you mix your original tracks with a few well-known, established songs by Blues artists you love. These classics, you know, they carry a weight, a history that gives your playlist a bit of depth. It’s not just about filling gaps, it’s more about creating connections—connections between the listener and a broader Blues tradition.

Jerry Paul Blum

And and these songs, they often act as benchmarks in a way, don’t you think? I mean, they’re a masterclass. Every great blues track, whether it’s by B.B. King or Muddy Waters—or whoever resonates with you—has something to teach. Something that might give your audience a little more context to appreciate your originals.

Jerry Paul Blum

Now, don’t overdo it though, right? You’ve gotta find that balance. Too many covers or classics can overshadow your personal work, but just a few? Maybe one or two? Mmm, it’s like seasoning—a little sprinkle, not the whole shaker. It enhances what you’ve already created while keeping the focus on you as an artist. That’s the goal, isn't it?

Jerry Paul Blum

So, as you go through your list, take your time. Think about which artists and which songs really shaped your sound. Those are the ones that’ll compliment your music beautifully, like a dialogue between the past and the present. And that’s all for today. Remember, the Blues is all about storytelling, so make your playlist tell its tale. Take care, and I’ll see you next time.

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